Friday 18 September 2009


Some serious burn this morning, arms, traps and back are killing!!- Decided to stay out of the gym today, train at home and get back in the gym tomorrow, hit up some more pulse, got a sample, so one more dose. Definitely going to order some, pushed a lot harder than usual!!


First thing - 2 scoops whey w/water

Iced Americano(no cream, no sf syrup)
Cheddar cheese

Water + vitamin c+ berocca

Egg cream - toffee syrup, 3 eggs, whey, water

- out for Thai dinner- something eggy I expect!


5 mile walk

afternoon workout outside:

simple boxing style workout - incorporating jabs with dumbbells


Butt kicks


Standard crunches

Bicycle crunches

Toe Touch crunches

Dumbbell row


Lunges with military press

W Shoulder press

Military shoulder press

Sumo squats

Sumo squats w/ tri extension

That's all for today folks! TTFN

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